“Forest Nymph’s Gift,” by Linda Collins Chapman of Sequim, recently was selected for the upcoming Olympic Peninsula Art Association Show that opens Friday, May 27, at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, 1203 E Lauridsen Blvd.
Juror Mike McCollum selected 47 works from 197 entries submitted for his consideration. Chapman’s porcelain sculpture is one of a series of new work that is a departure from her carved porcelain pieces.
Each piece is constructed from porcelain slabs. Hand-sculpted bits are then applied to the piece, and after drying very slowly for weeks, the piece is fired at least twice.
A professional ceramicist for over 40 years, Chapman is known for her work in black and white carved porcelain and ceramic sculpture. She works in her Penny Lane Studio northwest of Sequim.
Find out more about Chapman’s art at lindachapmandesign.com and sequimarts.org.