College’s “New Writers’ Festival” looking for manuscripts by March 15


If you’ve always wanted to be a playwright and see your work produced in a theater, Peninsula College’s Find Your Voice New Writers’ Festival is for you. Prospective playwrights need to submit an original one-act play of no more than 10 pages by March 15 for consideration for the May 31-June 2 festival performances.

To be considered for performance at the festival, all plays submitted must follow certain guidelines:

• Scripts must be in standard script format. See for guidance.

• Scripts must be a play in one act with only one scene and must include the theme, "Where is your sanctuary?"

• Scripts must be no more than 10 pages long, with each page numbered.

• Scripts must contain a minimum of two and a maximum of four characters.

• Characters must be in modern dress only; no special costumes are allowed.

• There can be no use of projections or any multimedia of any sort.

• There can be no use of special props. Acceptable props include silverware and table ware; paper and pens; envelopes and stationary; a laptop; gun; knife; and a book or two (but no more than three).

• If the script includes sound effects and music, they must be put on a CD, in the order that they are used in the script, with each effect on separate tracks, clearly labeled, and with the timings of each track clearly noted. The CD also must be clearly labeled and five copies of the CD must be submitted along with the script.

• There are to be no special sets. Acceptable set pieces include tables (no more than two), chairs (no more than eight) and a couch (no more than one).

• There are to be no special lighting effects other than dimming.

• Scripts must be submitted in pdf format and titled. Do not put your name on the script. However, your name must be fully spelled out in the e-mail to which the pdf is attached.

E-mail queries or plays to John Manno at 

• Peninsula College one-act play contest. John Manno at