For people of all ages and abilities, organizers of the Fir Street Community Garden of Sequim added some new raised beds.
Last Saturday, gardeners with the Community Organic Gardens of Sequim came together to build five raised beds in the garden at 525 N. Fifth Ave.
Gardener Bob Caldwell said they’ve planned to add the beds for about a month, and he picked up the wood and metal and pre-drilled the supplies to make work smoother.
Fellow gardener Liz Harper said they knew for some time they needed to add more raised beds because of their high demand.
“They’re easy to garden in and great for anyone,” Harper said.
One of the five raised beds is spoken for, but four remain available along with one ground plot. To inquire on availability, call Harper at 360-477-4881.
Fees are $45 a year for a bed or plot, which includes a bag of compost from the Co-Op, compost from Lazy J Tree Farm and water.
All raised beds consist of compost, Harper said.
Participants share community service hours ranging from weeding pathways and community plots of blueberries and flowers to making signs and/or calling fellow gardeners with messages.
Harper said they try to accommodate people of all abilities.
“My feeling is that it’s a community first, and a garden second,” she said.
“One gardener got sick but rather than give it up, other gardeners stepped up to offer to care for her beds.
“People help each other and learn from each other.”
Harper added that a neighbor of the garden offered to use his address for clippings pick-up, too.