Community orchestra celebrates first year

Newcomers are welcome to group

From the 27 musicians who attended an initial meeting in February 2012, the Sequim Community Orchestra has grown to more than 45 regular players, providing both training and camaraderie to those who come to enjoy making music together.

They invite others to join them.

Under musical director Phil Morgan-Ellis, the group includes school-age musicians, adults with full-time jobs and retirees. Some only recently learned to play an instrument, others learned in school but found their music interrupted by studies, work and family.

The group welcomes all who can read music and have an instrument. Players have fun learning skills such as following a conductor, counting, listening and performing.

The orchestra’s two yearly concerts feature well-known music from the classical and lighter repertoire.

Several small groups also perform at various events around Sequim.

The orchestra plays on a float in the May 11 Irrigation Festival Parade, at the Sequim Open Aire Market, at the Lavender Weekend in July and elsewhere.

Rehearsals are from 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays, except during July and August, at the James Center for the Performing Arts in Sequim.

For more information about joining the orchestra, e-mail, or call orchestra president Lilias Green, 681-5469, or director Morgan-Ellis, 775-9984.