Homemade goodies brought in some dough for area granges at the second annual All-Grange Dessert Auction on July 23.
In total, 192 pans of cinnamon rolls, pies, cakes and many varieties of sweets were auctioned off to raise nearly $6,300 inside the Sequim Prairie Grange. Community members and various grange members made the items.
Organizers said their intent with the event is to help local granges continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic when buildings were closed to rentals.
Funds support the district Pomona Grange with $549, Clallam County Junior Grange $680, and the remainder split between the Crescent Grange, Dry Creek Grange, Fairview Grange, Quimper Grange and Sequim Prairie Grange.
The highest bid dessert went for a memorial wild blackberry pie made by Karen Spring, in honor of Richard and Winona Bekkevar, lifelong Grange members. Their son Jim won with a $300 bid.
The Sequim Prairie Grange, 290 Macleay Road, also held an ice cream social on July 24. For more about the Sequim Grange, call 360-683-5622 or email to sequimprairiegrange@gmail.com.