Milestone: Education group honors its own

The Sequim Education Foundation recently recognized Shauna Anders, Jeanne Martin and Al Friess for service to the students of the Sequim community.

From left are Anders, SEF president Jodi Olson and Jeanne Martin.

Anders and Friess were presented the SEF Crystal Apple Award, honoring their significant length of service and hours dedicated to the foundation’s mission, “To be a catalyst for vibrant growth of each student in the Sequim Community.”

Anders served as secretary on the board of directors while volunteering additional hours for SEF events and activities. Martin also was recognized with a gift certificate for her dedication not only as a founding member but for her financial guidance as treasurer. Known for his generous nature, Friess served as scholarship chair, doing everything he could to ensure that students who required financial assistance got the money they needed for their education. Friess was honored at a separate event.

“All three of these individuals have truly lived the motto of SEF — “Inspiring Students to Achieve Excellence,” said vice president Elna Kawal.

The SEF Crystal Apple Award is reserved to recognize those individuals making outstanding contributions to its mission. Recipients of the prestigious SEF award include Martin, Katie Gilles, former school superintendent Bill Bentley, Patsene Dashiell, Kathy Schock, Walter Johnson and Dick Hughes.

More information about the Sequim Education Foundation is available at