Milestone: Sales receives OMC leadership honor

Taylla Sales, Central Access manager at Olympic Medical Center, received the Olympic Medical Center Leadership Award in April.

She was applauded for not only exceptionally leading staff, but for inspiring other leaders around her, OMC representatives said.

Sales has worked for OMC in various capacities over the past 11 years. Her career pathway includes working on the Medical/Surgical/Pediatrics floor as a certified nursing assistant then unit manager, Olympic Medical Physicians executive assistant and now managing the Central Access department.

Sales was recently promoted to her current role, where she leads call center and registration staff. Since taking on the role, the supervisors Sales oversees have not only seen their Central Access staff thrive but have benefited from her strong leadership themselves, OMC representatives note.

“Taylla truly shines as a leader,” call center supervisor Nikki Brown said. “She often asks me, ‘What can I take off your plate?’ or ‘How can I help you?’ while her own plate is overflowing. She wants to make sure myself and her other supervisors are not overwhelmed.

“I’ve learned so much from her and she has taught me how to be a better leader.”

Brown praised Sales attentive and individual guidance of her team, taking time to regularly meet with call center staff.

“Taylla is very professional and always shows her human side,” Brown said. “I really appreciate her and am thankful she was promoted into this position. I know Central Access wouldn’t be where we are today if she wasn’t leading us!”

Holly Wickersham, Olympic Medical Physicians operations director and Sales’ supervisor, praised Sales’ accomplishments, saying, “I am so proud of Taylla. Watching her grow in her professional career has been inspiring.”