Olympic Medical Physicians recently added two doctors of podiatric medicine to its staff.
Dr. M. Jared Davis joins Olympic Medical Physicians after three years of residency at Southern Arizona VA Health Care System in Tucson, Ariz., while Dr. Olga Drogomiretsky comes to the Olympic Peninsula after completing a fellowship in sports medicine from Franciscan Foot and Ankle Institute in Federal Way.
Both podiatrists will provide foot and ankle care, including surgery, to patients in both Sequim and Port Angeles and Sequim orthopaedic clinics.
“We are delighted to welcome two new podiatry providers to our clinic,” clinic director Dr. Loren Larson said. “Their expertise and dedication will undoubtedly enhance the quality of care we provide to our patients as well as improve timely access for those patients seeking foot and ankle care on the Olympic Peninsula.”
Davis and Drogomiretsky join Dr. Adam Killpack as a team of podiatrists bringing foot and ankle care to patients on the Olympic Peninsula. The team treats both common foot and ankle issues such as bunions, ingrown toenails and injuries such as plantar fasciitis, in addition to expertise in sports-related injuries, emergency care for lower-extremities, biomechanics and performing preventive care and surgery.
The podiatry team works in both the Sequim orthopaedic clinic located in the Sequim Medical Plaza and in Port Angeles at the Medical Office Building on the hospital campus. They are currently accepting new patients.