Olympic Peninsula YMCA adds family resource navigator

With a goal to help families to the resources they need, Olympic Peninsula YMCA announced they’ve added to their staff Victoria Elliott, the organization’s new Clallam County Family Resource Navigator.

Elliott will serve as a liaison between the YMCA, local families in Sequim and Port Angeles.

“I work primarily with families who have school-aged children,” Elliott said in a press release in early April. “It will be my honor to work alongside you whenever your students and families need extra resource navigation.”

The position is funded by the Department of Children, Youth and Families’ (DCYF) Strengthen Families Washington program.

DCYF received funding from the Administration for Children, Youth and Families, to work with community organizations across the Olympic Peninsula, including Sequim and Port Angeles, to design community-driven solutions to prevent child abuse and strengthen community supports for families.

The primary roles for this position, YMCA representatives said, will be “to increase community collaborations, develop an outcome-based, centralized approach to supporting families, and to advocate on behalf of families to ensure accessibility to the resources they need.”

Contact Elliott at victoria@olympicpeninsulaymca.org or 360-460-3506.