Sequim Gazette photo by Emily Matthiessen / Sequim City Band members, band advocates, dignitaries and others celebrate the official opening of the band’s expanded rehearsal space at the June 11 concert at The James Center for Performing Arts.
Sequim Gazette photo by Emily Matthiessen / Music fans enjoy a sunny spring day and a free concert as the Sequim City Band entertains with “Building a Legacy.” The event at The James Center for Performing Arts included a ribbon-cutting and tours of the band’s expanded rehearsal space.
Sequim Gazette photo by Emily Matthiessen / Sequim City Band director Tyler Benedict and the community group entertain a crowd at the band’s free June 11 concert, “Building a Legacy.”
Sequim Gazette photo by Emily Matthiessen / Sequim City Band members entertain a crowd at the band’s free June 11 concert, “Building a Legacy,” held at The James Center for Performing Arts.
Sequim Gazette photo by Emily Matthiessen / Vicki Kirchner belts out “The Star Spangled Banner” to a responsive crowd at the June 11 concert celebrating the expansion of the James Center for Performing Arts.
By Emily Matthiessen