Sessions help green thumbs lure butterflies

Master Gardener Rosalie Preble provides tips for making home gardens more butterfly-friendly at noon Thursday, July 11, at a “Green Thumb Garden Tips” brown bag session in the county commissioners meeting room of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.


She repeats the presentation at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 13, at the Master Gardeners “Class Act at Woodcock Garden” at 2711 Woodcock Road, Sequim.


The recipient of the Master Gardeners’ Golden Trowel Award, Preble has gardened in Clallam County for 16 years.


She will identify commonly found butterflies, their habitat and their needs at each stage of life. Both Washington State University Master Gardeners presentations are free; any donations help offset costs of handouts.


Call 417-2279 with questions.