Our stories make us human.
Through them, we entertain, educate, heal, guide, remember, motivate and comfort. Storytellers keep our history, legends and fables alive.
On Tuesday, April 13, at the Port Angeles Library,
Karol Brown "became" Harriet Tubman at age 92, reflecting on growing up in slavery, freeing slaves on the Underground Railroad, being a nurse, spy and guide during the Civil War and her later life.
She was accompanied by Uncle Eli, James Brown, who sang inspirational and coded songs that told slaves when and where to expect Tubman, "Moses," to lead them to freedom.
Four local storytellers shared stories following the featured presentation.
Story People members tell stories at schools, clubs and group homes. They hold monthly meetings such as the one I attended, workshops and a three-day Forest Storytelling Conference.
Listeners are welcome as well as tellers or potential tellers.
Call 417-5031 or see www.dancingleaves.com/storypeople.