Storytelling festival brings in local, national talent

The 20th Annual Forest Storytelling Festival will be held Oct. 17-19 in the Peninsula College Little Theater in Port Angeles.

The 20th Annual Forest Storytelling Festival will be held Oct. 17-19 in the Peninsula College Little Theater in Port Angeles.

Over the three days, nationally known performers will weave vocal magic for local residents as well as storytellers and story listeners from near and far.

The festival will feature stories and tales that bridge many cultures and traditions offering festival attendees insights into people and places that might be unfamiliar.

Featured tellers include Jay O’Callahan, Maine, Mary Gay Ducey, California; Tim Tingle, Texas, Bryan Bowers and Jill Johnson, Washington.

Pat Peterson, a Story People member, is the emcee.

Story People who will be presenting include Norm Brecke, Seattle; Jennifer Ferris, Victoria B.C.; Randi Moe, Olympia; Joy Ross, Tacoma; and Thomas Schroyer, Portland, Ore.

A complete schedule and registration form is available online at For more information, contact Cherie at 417-5031 or, or Rebecca at 360-878-0838 or

Advance tickets for Friday and Saturday night concert tickets can be purchased at Odyssey Bookshop, 113 W. Front St., Port Angeles.