Studium Generale opens with poet

Peninsula College’s Studium Generale welcomes poet Katie Ford

Peninsula College’s Studium Generale welcomes poet Katie Ford to the stage as the first in the series of fall quarter presenters from 12:35-1:25 p.m. in PC’s Little Theater on Thursday, Sept. 24.

Co-sponsored by the Foothills Writers Series, Ford’s visit is a celebration of her most recent collection, “Blood Lyrics,” which was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and the Rilke Prize.

She also is the recipient of a Lannan Literary Fellowship and the Larry Levis Prize.

Ford is the author of “Deposition” and “Colosseum” —  the latter was named among the “Best Books of 2008” by Publishers Weekly and the Virginia Quarterly Review.

Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, The Paris Review, The American Poetry Review, Ploughshares and many other journals.

Work from “Blood Lyrics” is forthcoming in The Norton Introduction to Literature.

Ford lives in Los Angeles and teaches at the University of California-Riverside, where she directs the MFA program.

The event is free and open to the public.

For more information, contact Kate Reavey at