How have salmon fared following dam removal on the Elwha River? Find out when Peninsula College hosts Mike McHenry, who will present “The Elwha River: Eight Years of Research Since the Largest Dam Removal in the World,” a Studium Generale presentation set for 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 3, on Zoom.
McHenry is the fish habitat manager for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and has been working on salmon recovery issues on the Olympic Peninsula for 30 years. He leads habitat restoration and salmon monitoring programs for the tribe and has completed projects in multiple watersheds including the Hoko, Clallam, Pysht, Deep, East Twin, Salt, Ennis and Siebert.
McHenry has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in science from Humboldt State and New Mexico State universities.
This online opportunity is free, open to the public and co-sponsored with ʔaʔk̓ʷustəƞáwt̓xʷ House of Learning, Peninsula College Longhouse.
Join the Zoom event at (meeting ID 822 7825 2780).
This program is made possible in partnership with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.