Super ‘Green Thumb’ tips for spring pruning

Local horticulturist Gordon Clark will kick off the 2015 Clallam County WSU Master Gardener Green Thumb Garden Tips series with tips for spring pruning in the home garden at noon Thursday, Jan. 22, in the county commissioners meeting room of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

Local horticulturist Gordon Clark will kick off the 2015 Clallam County WSU Master Gardener Green Thumb Garden Tips series with tips for spring pruning in the home garden at noon Thursday, Jan. 22, in the county commissioners meeting room of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

Clark will demonstrate basic pruning techniques to remove dead, diseased and damaged limbs and to manage growth and production of landscape trees and shrubs. He also will explain ways to maintain non-woody plants, bamboo, ornamental grasses, ground covers and vines. He will talk about fruit tree pruning as time allows. He also will discuss appropriate and safe use of pruning equipment such as shears, saws and ladders.

Clark is the owner of Clark Horticultural, a local organic landscape management company. The company’s main focus is aesthetic pruning, offering all aspects of weekly monthly, seasonal and annual landscape maintenance. Clark has a certificate in environmental horticulture from Lake Washington Institute of Technology and is an ISA Certified Arborist, WSNLA Certified Horticulturist and an ecoPRO Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional.

He maintains memberships in the International Society of Arboriculture, Olympic Orchard Society, Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Plant Amnesty, Northwest Horticultural Society and The Maple Society.

The Green Thumb Garden Tips brown bag series, sponsored by the WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners on the second and fourth Thursday of every month in Port Angeles, consists of educational programs designed to help home gardeners establish or improve their gardening practices.

More than 90 percent of brown bag attendees who complete evaluations at the presentations report that the speakers are knowledgeable about their topics, the presentations increase their knowledge about the topics and that the topics are relevant to their gardening needs.

Attendees may bring a lunch. The presentations are free and open to the public. However, donations to help offset copying costs for handouts are accepted. For more information, call 417-2279.