William Gillette (portrayed by Joel Hoffman, fourth from left) finds a note that reveals that a stage doorman where he and fellow thespians work has just been murdered — suggesting the killer is most likely one of the guests he’s hosting. Looking on are, from left, Madge Geisel (Cheryl Tamblyn), Felix Geisel (Steve Rodeman), Aggie Wheeler (Merrin Packer), Simon Bright (Stephan Willms) and Martha Gillette (Cheryl DiPietro).
The opening of this murder-mystery has been postponed to Dec. 8 and runs through Dec. 17, with shows on Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m. and 2 p.m. on Sundays.
Two performances are added to make up for the postponed weekend: 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14, and 2 pm. on Saturday, Dec. 16 (in addition to the 7 p.m. performance on that date).