Volunteers sought for tree planting party

The North Olympic Salmon Coalition is looking for volunteers to help plant native trees along the Salmon Creek from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, March 2.

Volunteers will plant trees along a restored stretch of the creek — home to chum and coho salmon — in order to restore the quality of riparian habitat along the creek corridor.

The creek has an infestation of reed canary grass that is preventing the growth of riparian trees and shrubs along what event organizers call critical salmon habitat.

Tools and gloves will be provided, but are in limited supply so attendees are encouraged to bring their own. The work party includes light refreshments and hot drinks. Bring warm, waterproof clothes and boots, water and a lunch.

RSVP to receive more details by going to our website at www.nosc.org (click on the “RSVP” button on the home page).

See nosc.org/event/salmon-creek-volunteer-tree-planting.