Sequim City councilors are anticipated to make the final design decision for Sequim’s Community Plaza as part of the city’s developing Civic Center, Monday, Dec. 8.
“We think the plaza will provide a unique community identity,” Steve Burkett, city manager, said.
Given the future Civic Center and Community Plaza will be located just off town’s main intersection, Burkett said the plaza will provide a community space for outdoor activities and events. Already, it has been designed with events like the Sequim Farmers Market in mind, he said.
“We want the plaza to be attractive and the community to take pride in it,” Burkett said.
After identifying how much funding is available for the Community Plaza, city officials have developed three possible phases for construction of the Community Plaza that can be built independently from each other. Come Monday, city councilors will be tasked with deciding what phase or phases they would like to move forward with, Burkett said.
If council members decide to pursue all three phases the estimated cost is $530,000. Of that total, city officials have about $200,000 secured within the existing project budget for the Civic Center. Additionally city officials plan to utilize about $250,000 from the city’s savings and the third portion Burkett expects to collect from bond proceeds.
“The council needs to decide how much they want to put toward the plaza,” Burkett said. “They can decide to do none or all three, but Phase I is definitely a base.”
Join the City of Sequim for an open house focusing on the community plaza portion of the new Civic Center from 4-5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 8, at the Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St.
Members of the public can view concepts for the Community Plaza and provide feedback for the Sequim City Council on the design, priorities for the implementation phases and the cost options.
The council is expected to discuss the options and make decisions about the Community Plaza at the regularly scheduled city council meeting beginning at 6 p.m. Dec. 8, also at the Sequim Transit Center.
Contact City Manager Steve Burkett at 681-3440 or with questions.
Original plan for Community Plaza
• Irrigated grass and gravel main plaza area, gravel path to north side of building, plantings along north side of plaza, totem pole
Phase I
• Colored pavers and concrete strips from Cedar Street to Heritage Walk, four raised planters, circular pad for future art, curved monument sign, two decorative lamps at Heritage Walk, two street lamps on Cedar Street, two flag poles and 9/11 memorial, water line and electrical conduit installed for future water feature. Cost: $300,000
Phase II
• Adds four raised planters, trees at north Heritage Walk, colored pavers, concrete strips in north Heritage Walk. Additional cost: $80,000. Total: $380,000
Phase III
• 2 decorative lamps at north Heritage Walk, colored pavers and concrete strips across main plaza area, (water feature not included). Additional cost: $150,000. Total: $530,000