AARP driving safety classes set in September


Sequim Gazette staff

AARP is again offering an eight-hour Driving Safety class in Sequim from 8 a.m.-noon Monday, Sept. 9, and Wednesday, Sept. 11.


This class will be offered at the Sequim Fire Station, 325 N. Fifth Ave. Cost for the two-day class is $12 for AARP members and $14 for nonmembers.


Everyone is eligible to take the class and receive a certificate of completion but only those 55 or older would be eligible for the car insurance discount offered by their insurance carrier. Bring your AARP card or number with you to the first class.


Class subjects will cover recent rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how to operate your vehicle safely in today’s challenging driving environment.


Also discussed will be the adjustments necessary to age-related changes in vision, reaction time and hearing. Effects of medications on driving, distractions, safest way to make lane changes and maintaining proper following distance behind another car are only some of the topics that will be covered.


Sign up at the Senior Center, 921 E. Hammond St., or by calling 683-6806. Do not call the fire station.


This class is limited to 22 people so sign up now for this September class.


These dates not convenient? In October there will be another class offered on Oct. 3-4.