Arts and Entertainment briefs — Sequim Gazette, Sept. 21, 2016

Community dance set

Community dance set

The Just for Fun Dance Class, taught by Steve and Ann Johnson, will sponsor its 12th Community Dance from 7-10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, at the Vern Burton Gym, 308 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles, with the Olympic Express Big Band. Admission is $5 per person for this all-ages dance. Water is supplied, bring snacks to share; this is a non-alcohol event. Also, the Johnsons teach beginning swing dance lessons for all ages at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, for four weeks at the Port Angeles Senior and Community Center, 328 E. Seventh St. Lessons are $5 each.

Concert to memorialize Dewey Ehling

A free concert to memorialize Dewey Ehling, known as the “music man” for his 30 years of teaching and conducting on the Olympic Peninsula with the Port Townsend Community Orchestra, the Peninsula Singers and many other groups, will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 2, at the Port Angeles High School’s Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Ave. All musicians who played under his tutelage are invited to perform. Vocalists are asked to reach Connie Jenkins at 360-797-1133 or, while instrumentalists are asked to contact Sonya Shipley at 209-585-7432 or Rehearsal for instrumental works is 7-9 p.m. Sept. 27. Rehearsal for vocalists is 7-9 p.m. Sept. 30.

Square dance lessons slated in Gardiner

New square dance lessons have begun at the Gardiner Community Center every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. hosted by the Rhody O’s Square Dance Club. Oct. 4 is the cut-off date to join this new class. For more information, call 360-683-2409.

Auditions announced

Auditions for the Readers Theatre+ production of “A Nice Family Gathering,” by Phil Olson, will be conducted at The Fifth Avenue Active Senior Living Center from 6-8 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 26-27. The show calls for two men (60-70), two women (60-70), two men (30-40) and two women (20-30). Interested parties are asked to attend one of auditions in the upstairs card room of the center at 500 W. Hendrickson Road, Sequim. For more information, contact Kath Beecher at 714-515-9271.