Auditor reminds voters of registration deadlines

County Auditor Patty Rosand reminds citizens to make sure they are registered to vote. 

The deadline to change address within the county is Monday, July 9. Anyone who plans to register to vote by mail or online needs to do so by July 9 as well. Voters new to Washington or never before registered may register in person by July 30 at the County Auditor’s Office, 223 E. Fourth St. #15, Port Angeles.

Voters who are unsure of their voter status can go to and click on the MyVote icon. By entering their name and birth date they can check to see if they are registered, at what address and other information specific to them.

Ballots will be mailed July 18 for the Aug. 7 primary election. Ballots in Clallam County will not be forwarded by the Postal Service to a new address, so a voter must provide a correct physical and mailing address in order to receive a ballot.

Voters who will be away during the election may make arrangements to receive the ballot at a temporary address. 

Call Julie Ridgway, voter registrar, at 417-2221 with questions about delivery of ballots.