Bible school raises funds for needy

Sequim Gazette staff

Three Sequim churches — Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, Trinity United Methodist Church and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church — recently partnered to bring awareness of world hunger to local children.

Volunteers organized a joint vacation Bible school, “Go Global with Jesus,” from July 18-20, at Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, 925 N. Sequim Ave.


The program’s emphasis centered on Heifer International’s mission work with communities to end hunger and poverty. Heifer International helps families improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways. In exchange for their livestock, families agree to give one of each animal’s offspring to another family in need, thereby “passing on the gift.”


Children and their families were encouraged to bring donations for Heifer so the churches could purchase livestock; they brought in $559. On July 31, Trinity’s congregation held a noisy can offering of spare change and raised another $530.


Plans are under way to purchase a pig, rabbits, chickens and goats.


For more information on Heifer International, visit