Castell Insurance looks to get clubs some cash

Online campaign to help nonprofits runs through Nov. 16


Castell Insurance employees are looking to bring in more dough for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula.

Staff organized a free document-shredding event on Aug. 22 and raised more than $2,150 in cash and $1,000 in school supplies for the clubs’ back-to-school drive.

Now, they’ve entered Safeco Insurance’s Safeco Make More Happen Contest to earn another $13,500 for the clubs.

So far, they’ve already earned a $3,000 donation to the clubs but an online contest could earn another $10,000.

Supporters can go to and click on the Castell Insurance and Boys & Girls Club link to vote every 24 hours through 10 a.m. Monday, Nov. 16.

The three teams with the most votes will win additional donations from Safeco for the charities with $10,000 for first place, $5,000 for second and $3,000 for third.

If 28,000 total votes are achieved, each of the 33 nominated charities receive another $500.

Janet Gray, resource development director for the Boys & Girls Club, said if they won they’d use some of the donation to upgrade their computers and server.

Between the Sequim and Port Angeles clubs, daily attendance is more than 400 students.

For more information on the clubs, call 683-8095 or visit or

For more information about Castell Insurance, 426 E. Washington St., call 683-9284.