Students in Eric Danielson’s fifth-grade class answer the question, “Why are you proud to be an American?”
I am proud to be an American because we have freedom. We get to go to school. Everyone gets to go to school. In some countries people don’t get to go to school because they don’t have the money. Only men get to go to school and they get an education. Sometimes only women get to get an education. We also don’t have slavery. We don’t have to be acquitted by men in your family just to go down the road. In some places they don’t have to be in trouble to get to jail. And women can’t drive a car with out getting in trouble. In some place we can’t go anywhere with out getting stolen. Some places in the world people have to live by all of this and that is why I like to be an American.
I am proud to be an American because we have opportunities. Like we can have as many kids you want. We also can choose where want to live. And we can have fresh food. Or sometimes we don’t have to do other people’s laundry. We don’t have to do work all the time for other people.
This is why I like to be an American. America is a really nice in environment and a safe place. And has healthy food.
— Haley Carmichael
Freedom of speech is why I am proud to be an American. In some countries they don’t have freedom of speech. London used to not have freedom of speech but now they do. A long time ago a missionary was arrested for preaching in London.
One of my scout members Tim uses his freedom of speech a lot maybe too much. One of the things he says that would get him arrested if this country didn’t have freedom of speech. That is Broach Obomas first and last insoles BO also stands for body odor.
Some people hate were they live because they do not have freedom of speech. They might immigrate to America to have freedom of speech. People of all ages young and old love the right of freedom. That is one of the reasons I am proud to be an American.
— Abe Mitchell
Why I’m proud to be an American is we get freedom. We in America don’t have slavery. In some places there is still slavery, like if a family didn’t have any money or had very little money they would sell there children. Some kids where even kidnapped.
In some places you can’t choose your own religion you have to have the same religion as every one else, like if you are a Christian and every one is Jewish you can be killed or injured.
In America all kids get the opportunity to earn an education. As a contrast, it is often hard for both boys and girls to get education in Afghanistan. Parents of girls don’t want their daughters to be taught by men. Also a lack of women teachers are in Afghanistan.
And here in America we are lucky we get an education.
In China they don’t have all the TV shows they want they have to have what their Government gives them. China’s government says that they have a wonderful place there in China but people are starving to death. Here in America we are not starving. Also we get to watch any TV show we want.
This is why I’m proud to be an American. We get freedom.
— Christina Lewis
I am proud to be an American because we have the choice to live where we want to live. And we fight for our country our food and freedom. We have the rights to do what we want when we want. We do not have slavery like other countries do. But our country is peaceful and quiet.
Before we had freedom we had very bloody wars. We had to fight for our freedom and we were proud of our victories. That’s why we have freedom.
That’s why I am proud to be an American.
— Elijah Creed
I am proud to be an American because in America we have better treatment of our environment than some other countries.
First of all, we have more fresh air than many other countries or places. In some other parts of the world they have pollution in their air which will come down in rain or snow and that is why you shouldn’t eat snow or rain.
Also, in America we have better food. If you compare food in America that you would get in a less fortunate country you will most likely like our food better. In another country you might not always enjoy your meals. And might not like all of the choices that you are given.
Another reason why I am proud to be an American is that in America our water is fresh and clean. But in some other countries they are not as fortunate because they might have to share water throughout the neighborhood that they live in. Or sometimes you drink the water from a river or some sort of stream. And usually it won’t be the cleanest water. In some cases you might drink contaminated water whether you know it or not.
So as a result of living in America you can clearly see that we are a very fortunate country. And we have way better environmental treatments than many other countries, and that is why I am proud to be an American!
— Alexis Moore
I am proud to be an American because we have freedom. Freedom is something that a lot of places have but, some countries in Africa and Asia are a few of the places who don’t. What I mean by that is that those countries still have slavery, but in the U.S we are free.
One thing that we are free to do is to be able to choose a religion or choose not to. In places like Iran and Pakistan you have to have a religion and you have to have the religion that they choose for you. You can’t choose your own religion. In the U.S you are able to choose to have a religion or not to have one. You can also choose which one you want to be. Another thing that we are free to do is get an education. In parts of Afghanistan you can not get an education. But that only applies for girls. Boys can still get an education. In the U.S everyone can get an education boy or girl.
I am proud to be an American because we are free from slavery, free to have a religion or not to have one, and we are free to get an education no matter what gender you are.
— Madalyn Cavanaugh
I am proud to be and American because of the freedom that we have like we have the right to elect our leader, live any where and have an education to learn and study. We have the freedom to get a job and also get medication too. We have the right to choose your religion or not to have one. We have the opportunity and freedom to do any job you want to do. We also have the freedom to move to many other places where you want to live. Also to have as many kids as you want.
We have to right to vote our president, not like some other places where you can’t vote for your president. We have the right to live any where you want unlike some other places where you need to get permission to go in the country. We also can have education to learn in school and some other places don’t give an opportunity to learn anything. We have the freedom to get a job to work; in some places people can’t have a job. All of us can get medication, and in some other place you can’t get medication a like a flu shot. In the USA you can have a job, and earn money, and you can have as many kids as you want. And that is why I am proud to be American.
— Bryan Perez
I am proud to live in America because we have fresh food. In America when you go to a store there are usually fresh products. There will be fresh fruit and vegetables. The milk usually isn’t all old lumpy and sour. If you go to Safeway or any other store there will be fresh meat. You usually don’t want old meat because it sometimes gets sour.
Another reason why I am happy to live in America is because boys and girls can go to school. In some countries only boys can go to school. I think that girls should be able to get an education too because everybody needs to learn something. If you don’t go to school then it would be hard to get a job. If you don’t have a job then it might be hard to get a home because you don’t have any money. If you didn’t have a house than you would be living with someone else like a family member or a friend.
That’s why I am proud to live in America.
— Kelsie Mackey
Why I am proud to be an American is freedom. Freedom is means you get to choose your house and you can choose where you want to live. In some places like China you have to by permission to by a house or choose where you want to live those are only two of the reasons that I am proud to be an American.
Also, in the U.S.A. males or females can choose to get an education. In some places girls aren’t allowed to go to school. Like in some places you half to pay to go to school.
Another reason I’m proud to be an American is there is no slavery allowed. There are some places in the world that still have slavery. In America we also have crystal clear water and our food is safe to eat you don’t half to boil any water but in some places like Africa you do have to boil water before it is safe to drink.
That is why I am proud to be an American.
— Kaleb Gallauher
I am proud to be an American because I have plentiful resources and lawful freedom.
America was founded on freedom and that is a great part of it. In America we have freedom of speech. I can speak about what I want, when I want, and to who I want. I can make a speech and not get arrested like in North Korea or China where you can only say what the government wants you to say. In America we have the freedom to marry who we want (if your spouse agrees). In Saudi Arabia and some other countries, you have to have permission from both families to get married. In America education is free. Anyone can be educated for thirteen years in public school and pay nothing.
In America, we have plentiful resources. Almost everyone in America has enough food and for the people that do not, we have the food bank. The food bank is a system where people donate food for people that do not have enough. Most people in America have enough money, unlike in Africa where people are usually very poor. In America, most water is unpolluted, that means most of America is unpolluted. Unlike in China where there is growing air pollution and lots of their water is polluted.
Now you know how great America is. It has lawful freedom and plentiful resources. For these reasons, I am proud to be an American.
— Addie Berg
I am proud to be an American because we have the opportunity to succeed.
I am glad to have the opportunity to follow my own path. With opportunity I can get a job to earn money to buy a house. I have the opportunity to buy a house where I choose and if I want to I can move anywhere I want. I can also be any religion I want. I don’t have to be Hindu or Muslim or even forced to believe in anything at all. I am glad to be an American because I have true opportunity.
I am also glad to be an American because I have freedom. Without freedom I wouldn’t be able to do what I choose. For example, in some parts of Africa kids are kidnapped and sold into slavery. Here, if someone did that, they would be arrested and could face a life sentence in prison.
Finally, we have freedom of speech. In some countries like North Korea or China you are not allowed to say certain things or criticize your government. Here we can say what we like and think. That is why I am proud to be an American.
— John Edson
I am proud to be an American because we have freedom. America fought for freedom in bloody wars. First we fought the War of Independence and later the Civil War. Our freedoms are written in the US Constitutions. America fought Britain for freedom in the War of freedom in the War of Independence. This war gave Americans freedom from British rule and taxes. The US Constitution was written as a result of winning the War of Independence. In the US Constitution is listed our rights as Americans. Freedom of Religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, Protection by Military, self protection by Arms/Weapons, and the right to vote are some of these rights.
The Civil War was a bloody war. A war that stopped slavery in America. Although slavery still exists in our world, it no longer exists here in America. Regardless of skin color or nationality we are free.
— Hannah McVay
I am proud to be an American because we have freedom.
We get to choose our religion. My family left a church and started a church of our own. In some places you would be arrested for that. The USA is free from slavery, we don’t have to worry about being kidnapped and sold like children in some places in Africa and Asia. Everyone is eligible to get an education.
We get to watch whatever we want to on TV. In some places police can barge into your house, accuse you of something and even arrest you. But in America police have to have a warrant and have evidence to accuse you and arrest you.
In America you may have as many children as you want. In China you can only have one kid. On the computer you can go on any website you choose. In some places like North Korea the government chooses what websites you can go on. If you try to go on banned websites or try to get illegal information you could get arrested.
That’s why I’m proud to be an American.
— Greta Himmelberger