For the most up-to-date information on school events, go to the district website at www.sequim.k12.wa.us and click on the Calendar button.
Monday, Oct. 31, is a No School Day for all students. Teachers will have professional development training in their buildings and the district office will be open.
The next school board meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, in the boardroom in the auditorium building at 503 N. Sequim Ave. To view the agenda for this meeting, go to www.sequim.k12.wa.us and click on Board of Directors. There is time set aside at every board meeting for public comments.
Alex Ogilvie’s students recently worked on bat research during their library time with librarian teacher Dena Riccobene. They choose facts about bats to add to their non-fiction book.
Please note picture day has been changed to Tuesday, Oct. 25.
October’s Family Involvement Night was devoted to the topic of how to help your child be a better reader. For those who were unable to make it, the material is available on the school website under the For Parents tab.
The next Family Involvement Night is 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8, in the school gym. Child care is provided, as well as light refreshments, so bring the entire family! November’s topic will be Pre-conference Front Loading. Parents, get information on the benefits of family involvement in your student’s school, as well as upcoming parent/teacher conferences.
For more information, contact teacher/Family Involvement Night facilitator Jennifer Lopez at jlopez@sequim.k12.wa.us.
Kaylee Kinsey’s second-grade class worked hard all week to earn Flashlight Friday, an opportunity to read with flashlights!
Patty Swingle from the Sequim Library visited second-grade classrooms to talk about all that the public library offers. She brought books and listening devices to share with the young students. She also prepped the second-graders for their upcoming field trip to the library. Stay tuned for more!
OPA’s Parent/Teacher Organization is planning a dog wash fundraiser from 9 a.m-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, at Blissie’s Bonetique, 459 W. Washington St. Proceeds to benefit kid activities including Destination Imagination challenges, Future City competitions and field trips.
For more information about OPA PTO, contact Paul Rynearson at PaulJane@wavecable.com.
Last week’s Homecoming festivities included a pep assembly in the gym on Friday, Oct. 7. Fun competitions between classes included a dance-off of music from the 1950s (freshmen). 1960s (sophomores), 1970s (juniors) and 1980s (seniors). Sophomores (Class of 2019) won the spirit stick!
Haunted Hallways offers family style fall fun. There is no admission fee, but attendees are encouraged to bring a donation of canned goods to benefit the Sequim Food Bank.
Haunted Hallways will be from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, in the “H” building at Sequim High School, 601 N. Sequim Ave.
Kids are encouraged to dress up and “trick or treat” for candy in the “scary” halls of the “H” building. The Sequim High School Choir will perform.
The fall choir concert has been changed from Thursday, Oct. 27, to Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. The choir program is under the direction of John Lorentzen.
The girls bowling season runs from November through late-January. Those interested in joining the team should contact coach Randy Perry at 360-710-9964 or e-mail sequimwolvesbowling@yahoo.com, or visit their Facebook page.
Seniors, don’t forget to submit your senior portrait to Jim Heintz, yearbook advisor, by Oct. 28 at jheintz@sequim.k12.wa.us.
Harvest Fest, a myriad of fun activities, will be offered from 3-5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 21, on the school campus.