Pet blessing scheduled
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave., Sequim, hosts its annual pet blessing on Sunday, Oct. 3. Bring dogs, cats and other favorite pets.
Representatives from Peninsula Friends of Animals and Welfare for Animals Guild will attend the 10 a.m. service. Cat food will be collected for Peninsula Friends of Animals and dog toys will be collected for Welfare for Animals Guild.
Call 683-4862.
Presbyterian fellowship meets
Sequim Presbyterian Fellowship PC (USA) meets at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3, at Holiday Inn Express, 1441 E. Washington St., Sequim.
Call 452-4781.
Helping children discussed
River Sussman, director of Care-Net of Clallam County, speaks about "Helping the Children of Our Community Through Love, Support and Programs" at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100
Blake Ave., Sequim.
Brunch is included for $4. Cash donations for car seats or a new baby item also will be accepted.
Babysitting is available.
Aglow International sponsors the program.
Call 683-3167.