Clallam County Democrats to honor retiring Sen. Jim Hargrove

Washington state senator Jim Hargrove, who has represented citizens of the 24th Legislative District for over three decades, will be retiring at the end of December. Clallam County Democrats will be honoring Hargrove with a Lifetime Achievement Award at their 2016 Franklin & Eleanor Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 8.

Washington state senator Jim Hargrove, who has represented citizens of the 24th Legislative District for over three decades, will be retiring at the end of December. Clallam County Democrats will be honoring Hargrove with a Lifetime Achievement Award at their 2016 Franklin & Eleanor Dinner on Saturday, Oct. 8.

Hargrove was first elected to the Legislature in 1985. He is now the ranking member of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, the Human Resources, Mental Health and Housing Committees.

Hargrove has been a tireless advocate for the state’s most vulnerable citizens. He has consistently worked to expand access to early-childhood education, support victims of domestic violence and ensure a reliable social-services safety net. He received the “2015 TANF Champion” award for his work to provide assistance to Washington families struggling with poverty. TANF is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

Hargrove was the lone voice on the Senate Ways and Means Committee seeking to reverse the TANF grant cut of 2011. At that time, the severe budget crisis triggered by the recession caused the state to cut cash benefits for families by 15 percent. He succeeded in persuading the Legislature to raise the TANF grant funds by 9 percent, giving 56,000 children and their families a better chance to meet their basic needs.

“Sen. Hargrove spoke with a solitary, consistent and strong voice about the need to help children and families,” said Robin Zukoski of Columbia Legal Services, a member of the Welfare Advocates Group.

Other awards and recognitions include:

• 2014 — “Silver Crayon Award” Early Learning Action Alliance.

• 2012 — “Legislator of the Year” Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs.

• 2012 — “Award of Appreciation” Child Welfare Advocacy Coalition.

• 2011 — “Superhero for Children’s Environmental Health” Washington Toxics Coalition.

• 2008 — “Legislative Champion” Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs.

• 2008 — “Champion for Children” Children’s Alliance.

• 2008 — Washington State Coalition for the Homeless award for helping combat homelessness in Washington.

• 2007 — Legislator of the Year for Washington State Medical Association.

• 2007 — Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence award.

• 2006 — “Environmental Champion” Washington Conservation Voters.

The 2016 Franklin & Eleanor Dinner will be at 7 Cedars Casino’s Club Seven. A meet and greet will start at 4 p.m. and the dinner and program will begin at 5:30 p.m.

Tickets are $60 per person.

Tickets may be purchased online at—eleanor-roosevelt-dinner.html or the Clallam County Democratic Headquarters, 124A First St., Port Angeles, 452-0500.