Clallam County seeking volunteers for boards, committees

Clallam County is seeking volunteers to fill 95 vacancies on 20 advisory boards and committees.

The deadline to apply is the close of business on Monday, Aug. 19.

To apply, call the commissioners’ office at 360-417-2233; visit their office at the Clallam County Courthouse, Suite 4, 223 E. Fourth St.; or download an application from the county website at

Descriptions of the advisory panels — and the application form itself — are available under the “Boards, Committees and Groups” link on the county website.

Current members with expiring terms who wish to retain their position are asked to provide a written statement to the commissioner’s office by mail or email to

Vacancies exist on the following advisory panels, with specific categories listed where applicable:

• Animal Solutions Advisory Committee (5) — Openings for representatives of: Veterinarian; (1) Clallam County equine rescue organization; (1) Animal rescue organization that accommodates animals other than dogs, cats and horses; and (2) At-large.

This committee advises the Board of County Commissioners and provides advice and support to the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office regarding animal control management in the county. Its members also provide a regular forum for exchanging information, sharing resources, highlighting emergent concerns and recommending key community strategies to better support county residents and their companion animals.

• Behavioral Health Advisory Board (3) — Openings for representatives of: tribal; private provider of mental health services not contracting for funding, and services for homeless.

This board was established to act to advise the Board of Commissioners on implementation and future funding, from the one-tenth of 1 percent sales tax authorized by RCW 82.14.460.

• Board of Equalization (1) — Opening for an alternate member.

The Board of Equalization receives appeals, holds hearings, evaluates evidence, and issues determinations of the fair market value of property within Clallam County in the case of disputes between the county assessor and the property owner. Members are required to be U.S. citizens, residing in Clallam County for not less than two years. There will be hearing compensation.

• Board of Health (2) — Openings for a representative of Makah Tribe and representative of Quileute Tribe.

This board is responsible for all matters pertaining to the preservation of the life and health of the citizens of Clallam County, including: community health assessment, health status, preventable health risks, availability of resources; enacting rules, regulations, and policies to preserve, promote, and improve the health status of Clallam County residents; assure high quality and effective public health services including control and prevention of any dangerous, contagious, or infectious diseases; prevention, control, and abatement of nuisances detrimental to public health; enforce public health statutes of the state and county; establish fee schedules for issuing and renewing licenses and permits or for other services authorized by the law and rules of the Washington State Board of Health.

• Building Code Board of Appeals (7) — Openings for representatives for: two alternates; an architect; a civil or structural engineer; general contractor; an ICC-certified fire marshal, fire inspector, or fire plan examiner, and an ICC-certified building official, building inspector or plans examiner.

This board hears and decides appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application and interpretation of the codes adopted in Clallam County Code 21.01, Building and Construction Code.

• Clallam Bay/Sekiu Community Action Team (2) — Openings for an at-large member, and a representative of Clallam Bay School.

This group assists in gathering and analyzing information, making recommendations, and advancing the orderly growth and development of the area.

• Clallam Bay/Sekiu Sewer Advisory Board (1) — Opening for one committee member.

This board is responsible for gathering accurate information regarding Clallam Bay-Sekiu sewer operations, rates and billing procedures, and make recommendations to the Clallam County Board of Commissioners.

• Crescent Community Advisory Council (3) — Openings for: representatives of grange; one at-large, and Crescent School District Student Body.

This committee acts as a liaison between the citizens living in the Crescent School District area and the Board of Commissioners on issues that may include land use, economic development, transportation and pedestrian improvements, capital projects and services, and community projects and activities.

• Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (1) — Opening for one committee member.

Volunteers on this committee act in an advisory capacity to plan and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and the Department of Health and Human Services regarding programs and services for persons who have intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, other neurological impairments, or developmental disabilities and their families through service contracts with provider agencies.

• Heritage Advisory Board (4) — Opening for a representative of District I; two from District II, and one from District III.

This board is responsible for advising the Clallam County commissioners on various matters related to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the County.

• Homelessness Task Force (23) — Openings for: City government of Sequim alternate; Tribal government of Lower Elwha Klallam; Tribal government of Lower Elwha Klallam alternate; Tribal government of Makah; Tribal government of Makah alternate; Tribal government of Quileute; Tribal government of Quileute alternate; healthcare providers alternate; mental health/substance use providers alternate; domestic violence/sexual assault providers alternate; Department of Social and Health Services; Department of Social and Health Services alternate; Serenity House alternate; Olympic Community Action programs alternate; law and justice system alternate; faith community alternate; business community; business community alternate; two homeless or formerly homeless alternates; at-large alternate; advocate for youth issues; advocate for youth issues alternate, and advocate for veterans issues alternate.

This group advises county commissioners on various matters related to the issues regarding homelessness in Clallam County.

• Housing Solutions Committee (1) — Opening for an at-large representative.

This committee is responsible for developing programs to promote housing solutions in Clallam County. The committee will also make recommendations to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners and the Opportunity Fund Board for expenditures of 1406 funds, American Rescue Plan Act funding related to housing solutions, Opportunity Fund infrastructure for housing and other funds that can be used for affordable housing.

• Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (6) — Openings for: three potential users of the fund, and three collector of the tax representatives.

Statute requires an advisory committee to review all proposed changes to expenditures from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund and to make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.

• Marine Resources Committee (4) — Openings for representatives of Makah tribe; Makah tribe alternate; District III alternate, and development community alternate.

This committee advises county commissioners regarding issues related to the marine resources of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its bays, estuaries, and inlets within the borders of Clallam County.

• Opportunity Fund Board (1) — Opening for a representative of City of Forks.

Funds from the Opportunity Fund Program are used to improve the base economy in the incorporated and unincorporated areas of Clallam County through the attraction of businesses with grants and low interest loans for public facilities. Decisions regarding the use of the funds for public facility projects are made by the Opportunity Fund Board who is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Commissioners who has the final authority to approve or deny an application.

• Permit Advisory Board (12) — Openings for representatives of: architect; building designer; building trades; certified septic designer/installer; engineer category (structural/civil); Economic Development Council; environmental consultant; homebuilders association; propane/woodstove contractor; Manufactured Homes/Mobile Home Association; land surveyor, and ex officio-planning manager.

This group makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and Director of the Department of Community Development for changes in the building code and permitting.

• Planning Commission (2) — Openings for a representative of District IIa and District IIIa.

This commission assists the Clallam County Board of Commissioners, through the Department of Community Development (DCD), with review of land use policy and related issues such as comprehensive land use plans and planning ordinances. Commissioners must have the ability to listen to diverse viewpoints and consider long-term interests of Clallam County.

• Port Crescent Pioneer Cemetery (1) — Opening for one committee member.

The Board was established in 1974 to operate the Port Crescent Pioneer Cemetery.

• Sheriff’s Citizens Advisory Committee (6) — Openings for representatives of: Diamond Point; Forks and unincorporated area; Quileute Tribe; Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe; Joyce, and law and justice.

This group serves as an advisory to the Sheriff’s Office to provide an open link of communication between the Sheriff and the community.

• Solid Waste Advisory Committee (5) — Openings for representatives of representatives of Solid Waste Industry (West Waste Recycling); Solid Waste Industry (West Waste Recycling) alternate; City of Forks alternate, business community alternate, and at large alternate.

The committee assists in the implementation of programs and policies concerning solid waste handling and disposal, and reviews and comments on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.

• Trails Advisory Committee (6) — Openings for representatives of: Port Angeles area citizen at large; Olympic National Park; large private forest company; City of Sequim; commercial trail business, and off-road motorized user groups.

This group makes recommendations to the Board and other appointed bodies of Clallam County government regarding non-motorized transportation and trail-related issues.