Clallam County sets public hearing on rural moderate zones

The Clallam County commissioners plan a public hearing on proposed ordinance and zoning map amendments to bring the county into compliance with the state Growth Management Act.

The Clallam County commissioners plan a public hearing on proposed ordinance and zoning map amendments to bring the county into compliance with the state Growth Management Act.

The hearing is at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 30, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, No. 160, of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St. in Port Angeles.

The areas affected to be zoned rural moderate (R2) or Western Region rural moderate (RW2) now are zoned Interim R5 or RW5.

In 2008, the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board found the county’s rural moderate (R2) and Western Region rural moderate (RW2) zoning districts invalid and noncompliant under the Growth Management Act.

The board gave the county until July 17, 2009, to resolve the issues and come into compliance.

The board based its decision on the residential density allowed in R2/RW2 zoning districts (one dwelling unit per 2.4 acres) finding that such density is inconsistent with the county’s rural character.

After extensive public process, including public hearings (see, the planning commission forwarded its recommended compliance response to the board of county commissioners.

The commissioners’ public hearing on June 30 is to receive public testimony on the planning commission’s recommendation.

The full text of the proposed ordinance and zoning map amendments reflecting the planning commission’s recommendations are available for review at the commissioners’ office in the courthouse or by calling 417-2233 between 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday.

They also are on the county’s Web site at

The formal identification of the ordinance is "Ordinance amending Title 31, Comprehensive Plan; Chapter 33.10, Rural Zones; and the Official Comprehensive Land Use and Zoning Map of Clallam County to bring into compliance with the Growth Management Act."

Written comments for or against this proposed ordinance must be submitted commissioners at 223 E. Fourth St., Suite 4, Port Angeles, WA, 98362-3015 before the hearing or written and/or oral comments may be submitted in person during the public hearing.