K-9 unit nabs suspect
A man who ran from Washington State Patrol troopers during a traffic stop was located a short time later by a police tracking dog and booked into the Clallam County Jail.
A trooper on patrol shortly after midnight Monday, Nov. 9, on U.S. Highway 101 near Happy Valley Road stopped a red 1990 Subaru going eastbound in westbound lane.
The driver exited the car and fled on foot into a swamp. Sequim Police officer Mike Hill and his K9 partner located the man, Anthony E. Iman, 48, of Seattle.
Iman was transported to Olympic Medical Center for treatment of dog bites and booked into the Clallam County Jail for obstructing and escape from community custody.
Forest declares
fee-free Veterans Day
U.S. veterans, members of the U.S. armed forces, and their families will be admitted free-of-charge today, Veterans Day, to Olympic National Forest.
All day-use fees will be waived at Forest Service recreation sites that include picnic areas, boat launches, trailheads and visitor centers. However, fees for camping, cabin rentals, heritage expeditions, or other permits will not be waived.
For details www.fs.fed.us/r6/olympic.
More market
in the square
Due to popular demand from customers and vendors, the Sequim Open Aire Market is extending its season indefinitely. Saturday from 10 a.m.-
1 p.m. in the market square just off Cedar Street, you will find local produce, pies and baked goods, fresh fish, local food products and several art and craft vendors.
Convenient parking is available on Cedar Street. See www.sequimmarket.com for more information.
Senior menu
Here are the Sequim Senior Nutrition Site menus, served at 4:30 p.m. at Suncrest Village Retirement Apartments, 251 S. Fifth Ave. Suggested donation $3. Menus are subject to change. Call 683-8491.
Wednesday Nov. 11 – Closed for holiday
Thursday Nov. 12 – Cook’s choice
Friday Nov. 13 – Caesar salad, all-in-one burger stew, biscuits, fruit cup
Monday Nov. 16 – Cottage cheese with fruit, kielbasa, sauerkraut, carrots, pudding
Tuesday Nov. 17 – Green salad, Swiss steak, buttered noodles, zucchini, pineapple upside down cake.
Share your life
with a dog
Welfare for Animals Guild will introduce dogs available for adoption from noon-
2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, at Best Friend Nutrition, 680 W. Washington St., Sequim.
WAG is a nonprofit organization that seeks loving, forever homes for dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages. WAG volunteers also will talk about their work, volunteer and donation needs to further their work. For more information, call WAG’s message line at 460-6258 or see Web site www.welfareforanimalsguild.org.
Call for artists
Artists are invited to enter the Sequim Arts Small Works Show fundraiser. All works must be 8 inches by 10 inches or smaller including the frame and be for sale. Three-D works must be no wider than 10 inches and no taller than 8 inches.
The show runs Dec. 1-23 at the Museum and Arts Center, 175 W. Cedar St., Sequim.
Entry fees for up to three pieces are $5 for Sequim Arts or Sequim Museum and Arts Center members and $10 for nonmembers. Works will be accepted from 9 a.m.-noon on Nov. 30. Applications are at the Sequim Museum and Arts Center or online at www.sequimarts.org or www.mac sequim.org.
A 25-percent commission on sales will help fund the projects of Sequim Arts and the Sequim Museum and Arts Center.
For more information, contact Linda Stadtmiller at 681-4884 or lastadtmiller@tfon.com.
Bells of the Cascades
ring Saturday
"The Beauty of Bronze," handbell classical and contemporary favorites, original compositions and familiar Christmas tunes, is at 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 Blake Ave., Sequim.
Tickets cost $7.50.
A full day handbell workshop begins at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, at the church. For more information, see http://bellsangels.inf.
Volunteers, guests welcome to dinner
Serenity House holds its traditional community Thanksgiving dinner from 1-4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 26, at the Single Adult Shelter, 2321 W. 18th St., Port Angeles.
Community members are invited to share and enjoy the Thanksgiving meal.
Volunteers are welcome to help with meal preparation and serving.
Call Tim Bruce at 452-7221 for more information.
Coupon books
The 23rd annual Elegant Gourmet Book is available at Phillips’ Hallmark in Sequim; Jim’s Pharmacy, KONP Radio, The Toggery and Frontier Bank in Port Angeles or from any Soroptimist International of Port Angeles, Noon Club member.
Proceeds from sales of this buy one, get one free coupon book go to scholarships, projects and programs on the peninsula. The books’ sales have raised more than $300,000, which has been returned to the community.
Coupons are good at many restaurants, espresso stands and merchants in Sequim and Port Angeles.
For more information, call Gayle McCormick, 457-5402 or 461-6818.
Sequim duplicate bridge club
_ Friday, Oct. 30 game
N/S: 1. Gloria Runyan-Larry Phelps; 2. David Jackson-Frank Brown; 3. Charles Williams-Carol Keller; 4. Suzanne Berg-Sueann Swan.
E/W: 1. Wilma Lambert-Vern Nunnally; 2. Gert Wiitala-Jim Wiitala; 3. John Anderson-Jack Real; 4. Mary Norwood-Jim Tilzey.
_ Monday, Nov. 2 game
N/S: 1. Frank Brown-Jim Tilzey; 2. Helen Stratton-Paul Stratton; 3. Suzanne Berg-Tom Loveday; 4. Wilma Lambert-Paula Cramer.
E/W: 1. Tom Markley-Jodi O’Neill; 2. June Nelson-Mary Norwood; 3. Ted Miller-Larry Phelps; 4. Ruby Mantle-Pete Mayberg.
For more information about the Sequim Duplicate Bridge Club, call Krys Gordon, club manager, at 681-4308.