Cornerstone Baptist Temple

Spiritual spotlight

Mission statement and role to the community:

Members, with the help of the almighty God, the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus Christ, strive to carry out the “great commission” as stated in “Matthew 28: 18-20” and related verses of the Holy Bible.

_ Members are urged and expected to assist others in taking the gospel of salvation to the lost personally after

being led by the Lord.

_ Converts are instructed to their duty to confess Christ by baptism – immersion in water after leading the lost to a saving knowledge of the lord Jesus and upon having received him as lord and savior.

_ Converts are instructed and taught in matters of Christian conduct, Bible study, church attendance, personal soul-winning, tithes and offerings, faithfulness to Christ and any other scriptures deemed necessary to their prosperity and growth.

_ Converts regularly attend church services, prayer meetings, revival meetings, personal visitation, church visitation, missionary work and distribution of spiritual literature.

_ The church operates a Bible Institute for training of men and women who desire to prepare themselves for more useful service to Christ.

What they stand for:

_ Members stand for the historical, biblical faith of the Baptists and earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints.

_ Cornerstone is an independent Baptist church governed by the New Testament way.

_ It’s a Bible-believing Baptist church and accepts the authorized King James Version of 1611 as the word of God for the people of the English language to live by and be judged by.

_ It’s a soul-winning church and wants to share with others the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as their own personal savior.

_ It’s a separated church in a rapidly declining moral society teaching Christian believers to live godly, Christ-honoring lives.

_ It’s a friendly church offering a warm and loving welcome in a family atmosphere.

Church services

Cornerstone Baptist Temple offers Sunday school for all ages at 10 a.m., and worship services at 11 a.m. and

7 p.m. A 7 p.m. Wednesday evening service also is offered.

Church opportunities:

_ Vacation Bible school, 10 a.m. every Sunday in August with a carnival Aug. 29, using points from previous weeks to participate

_ Adult and teen Bible studies and activities

_ Men’s prayer breakfasts

_ Ladies’ meetings

_ Nursery for all services

_ Wednesday night Bible study and prayer

_ Wednesday night “Patch the Pirate” Kids’ Club

_ Prairie Springs Assisted Living ministry

2:30 p.m. Wednesdays with a Bible study and singing

_ Visitation programs

_ Van ministry pick-up for services

_ Missionary exposure and opportunities

_ Personal Bible studies and counseling

_ Camps

_ Christian school K-12 (members only)

_ Bible Institute 4-year Bachelor in Theology course

Call the church at 681-3832 for more information.

Cornerstone Baptist Temple

Where: 44 Joslin Road, Sequim

Phone: 681-3832

Theme: “We preach Christ”

Pastor and founder: Daniel M. Savage

Youth pastor: Brad Savage

For a Spiritual Spotlight on your church, spiritual group, event or other profile, contact Matthew Nash at