Where can anyone over 18 get a 1997 Jeep Cherokee, a 1982 Heinke snowplow and a huge parts washer after outbidding his or her neighbor?
The answer is at the Clallam County surplus property auction, which will begin at 10 a.m. Sept. 13 at the county’s road department, 1033 W. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.
At www.clallam.net, there is an entire list of cars, trucks, heavy equipment, tools and parts that will be sold to the highest bidder. Interested individuals also can preview the merchandise from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 12 and 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Sept. 13 at the auction location.
"We really need people to stick to the preview times, otherwise they should not be in the road department lot because they are moving around and it’s not safe unless we have times organized," said chief deputy treasurer Teresa Marchi.
Stokes Auction will conduct the event and auction the equipment. The private company has done many auctions for Clallam County, the most recent of which was two years ago. It has about 40 auctions a year statewide.
"This isn’t something that happens annually," said Marchi. "It gets lined up when there is enough to sell and a real surplus is evident because of the ongoing replacement of equipment."
Stokes gets a percentage of the sale price on each item. Auctioneers require that each bidder be 18 years old, hold a valid identification and to be able to remove the item from the lot the day of the auction.