Delayed voter pamphlets are on their way

Pamphlets for the upcoming Primary Election in Clallam County were delayed in some areas but are =in the mail and headed to voters, county election officials said on July 29.

The Clallam County Elections Office on July 17, was notified that voter pamphlets had not been delivered to all households in the county because of vendor printing and delivery issues.

County officials said on July 29 they were notified that the pamphlets arrived earlier than expected and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) carriers began delivering them over the weekend.

Voters who have not received a Voters’ Pamphlet yet, should expect to receive one early this week, if it didn’t already show up over the weekend, they said.

Affected areas include: Carlsborg, Port Angeles, Joyce, Beaver, Forks, Clallam Bay, Neah Bay, la Push and Sekiu,

During the voting period, the Office of the Secretary of State meets daily with county election officials, USPS representatives and United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) representatives to discuss election mail issues and quickly troubleshoot errors.

“Our office continues to work with the USPS and our print vendor to create a solution to prevent errors and delays in the future,” elections officials said in a press release. “No ballot deliveries have been affected by these errors.”

While waiting for delivery, voters can find a link to an online voter guide at

The 2024 Primary Election is Tuesday, Aug. 6. Find more information at