The North Olympic Group of the Sierra Club recently announced candidate endorsements for the 2011 election. The club endorses Linda Barnfather for Clallam County Commissioner District 1 and Laura Dubois for Sequim City Council, Position No. 2.
According to the club, as a real estate agent and property manager, Barnfather understands property owners’ rights and responsibilities. As legislative aide to State Rep. Kevin Van de Wege, she has "extensive knowledge of public health, environmental, education, veteran and other issues and the laws pertaining to these, as well as the regulatory process."
The club recommends Dubois, writing in a press release that she "has represented Sequim city constituents with compassion, hard work and good judgment. The City of Sequim’s budget is balanced and Dubois helped do it."
Dubois’ past experience includes 17 years as a budget analyst for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. According to the press release, her goals for the next four years include ensuring the city maintains a strong dollar reserve policy, finding a site for the city hall, improving the downtown area and working to ensure that the city considers the environment when making decisions.