Etta Street construction to take up to eight weeks in downtown Sequim

A piping and pavement project along the Etta Street alleyway begins Monday, Oct. 2 and will take up to eight weeks, City of Sequim staff report.

The project will replace water and sewer lines, add stormwater facilities, new pavement, and more from Sequim Avenue to Sunnyside Avenue behind the Lehman Court Shops and other businesses.

Contractors include Interwest Construction Inc., Lakeside Industries, Stripe Rite, Roadrunner Concrete Cutting, KD&S Environmental, and Clark Land Office.

They’ll work 7 a..m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday with some possible night work from 8 p.m.-6 a.m., city officials report.

Residents can expect delays, local closures, and detours during work hours with resident access provided.

Drivers are encouraged to heed flaggers, cones, and construction signage, and to be cognizant of large construction equipment and trucks and their backup alarms.

For more information, call Sequim’s Department of Public Works at 360-683-5062.

Austin Wagner, city associate engineer, said the project is budgeted at $770,000 with a 10 percent contingency coming from the city’s sewer and water funds.

Design work on the project started this year, and has been in the city’s Capital Improvement Plan for several years, he said.

For more information about the project, call 360-683-4139.