Faith Baptist Church

Spiritual spotlight

Faith Baptist Church’s mission statement is "to glorify God as we: worship him, build one another up into Christ-likeness, and reveal Christ to a lost world through our unity, lives and proclamation of the gospel."

Pastor Lonnie Jacobson says the church is an independent, self-governing Baptist church in association with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches.

"We are conservative in theology, embracing the great fundamentals of the faith which have historically been held by Baptists: the inspiration and authority of Scripture, the deity of Jesus Christ, Christ’s virgin birth and miracles, Christ’s blood atonement for sin, personal salvation by grace through faith, Christ’s bodily resurrection and his personal return," he said.


Worship services are at

11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sundays with Sunday school beginning at 9:45 a.m.

Children’s church meets during the morning worship service and a nursery is provided for all services.

A Wednesday afternoon Bible study and prayer meeting is at 2 p.m., and other Bible studies meet throughout the week.

Children participate in a joint AWANA program at

6:15 p.m. Wednesdays.

Philosophy of ministry

Jacobson said the church emphasizes family oriented ministry with activities for all ages.

Some events and mission opportunities include:

• Family Camp

• Small group Bible studies for adults

• Senior Adult Fellowship

• Men’s and Women’s fellowships

• Wednesday night

AWANA program for children and youths

• Monthly fellowship dinners

• Missionary Emphasis Month in October

• Visitation program

• Biblical counseling

• Care groups

Jacobson said many churches in the community have moved to contemporary styles of worship, while Faith Baptist has maintained a traditional style of worship with a balance of hymns and praise choruses.

Musicians play a variety of instruments including the organ, piano, electronic keyboard, flute, clarinet, trombone, trumpet, oboe and pan pipe.

Attendees also take advantage of modern technology with a state-of-the-art sound system, computers and video projectors.

Service structure includes prayer, Scripture readings, offerings and testimonies with an emphasis on sound Bible preaching and teaching.

"My focus as pastor-teacher is Bible exposition. I use the New King James version of the Bible in the pulpit," Jacobson said.

History and vision

The church has 47 members with an average attendance of 100.

Jacobson says the church

is mission-minded and currently supports 10 missionaries and mission agencies around the world. The church’s first service was April 5, 1970. It met for 35 years on West Washington Street where the Sequim Home Depot is now.

In 2004, the church sold that property and built a new building on Old Olympic Highway that they moved into in 2005. Members are hoping to start a new Baptist church in Port Angeles soon.

For more information on the church and events, call Faith Baptist Church at 683-7303.

Faith Baptist Church

7652 Old Olympic Highway, Sequim

Mail: P.O. Box 3936 Sequim, WA, 98382

Phone: 683-7303



Theme: "A family-oriented church emphasizing Bible preaching and teaching."

Pastor: Lonnie Jacobson

For a Spiritual Spotlight on your church, spiritual group and/or event contact Matthew Nash at