Faith news

Lutherans offer discussions; Taize service scheduled

Lutherans offer discussions

Dungeness Valley Lutheran Church, 925 N. Sequim Ave., Sequim, hosts discussions on variety of topics.

On Sundays at 9:40 a.m. through Feb. 15 a discussion titled “How Would You Decide?” led by Sherry Wright, looks at important legal issues affecting religious freedom.

Call 681-0346 or visit

All discussion series are open to anyone interested.

Taize service scheduled

All are welcome to the ecumenical Taize service at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave., starting at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26.

In a meditative candlelit atmosphere which includes singing simple repetitive songs, sit peacefully during the hour long service or join in the chorus.

Taize will continue to be held the fourth Monday of each month.