Faith News – Oct. 28 2015

Popular speaker returns for Olympic Unitarian Universalist Fellowship event; Taize service Oct. 26

Popular speaker returns

Olympic Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 75 Howe Road, Agnew, presents speaker Joseph Bednarik at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 25. Bednarik is assistant to the Minister in the Pulpit at Quimper UU in Port Townsend and co-publisher of Copper Canyon Press, a nonprofit publishing company that specializes in poetry.

For more information, see or call: 417-2665. Child care is available.

Taize service Oct. 26

All are welcome to the ecumenical Taize service at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 525 N. Fifth Ave., at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 26.

The service includes a meditative candlelit atmosphere that includes singing simple repetitive songs.

Taize will continue to be held the fourth Monday of each month.