As is tradition, Santa and Mrs. Claus are coming a bit early this year. Hope you’re hungry.
Hosted by First Teacher, the 24th-annual Breakfast With Santa is slated for 8 a.m.-noon on Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Sequim Middle School cafeteria, 301 W. Hendrickson Road.
The event includes free books for each child, crafts, music, raffles and more.
Pictures will be taken with Santa and prints will be available for pick-up at JG Photography’s studio within one to two weeks. Breakfast includes scrambled eggs, ham, potatoes or hash browns, orange juice and coffee.
Tickets are $5 for children 2-10 and $10 for those 11 and older. There is a limited number of tickets for those who cannot afford them.
Get tickets at the door or at (service fees apply).
See or call 681-2250 for more information.