From waste to reclaimed water

After a recent field trip to the Water Reclamation Facility, third-grade students from Carolyn Luengen’s class wrote thank you letters

After a recent field trip to Sequim’s Water Reclamation Facility, third-grade students from Carolyn Luengen’s class wrote thank you letters.

Here are samplings:

Thank you for having us all. Thank you for showing us all that process. Thank you for helping our city. Marli Gagner

That was weird, but fun. Poop! Yuck, Smelly. All fun, too. It’s cool how it goes into all the stations to clean it. Thank you! Ben Elmenhurst-Jones

Thank you for giving us reused water. Thanks for the tour. I never knew that we could reuse water. Emma Lee Dunham

Thank you, it was a great field trip. I saw fascinating things like the process of cleaning the water and putting it in a thing so it won’t evaporate and that the purple sign means Don’t Drink. Sydney Hegtvedt

Thank you for showing us how the water from Carrie Blake Park gets its pond water. I did not know it was cleaned waste. I learned how important the purple pipes are. Andrew Crigler

Thank you for telling us all about the way the sewage gets clean and how it goes to lakes and ponds at parks. Thank you for the water cycle chart and stickers. Thanks again! Anna Jean Anderson