What is the role of the Electoral College in U.S. presidential elections and how does it work? Delve into the history of this American institution with local historian Vern Frykholm at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.
Frykholm, who will portray George Washington at the event, will offer a multifaceted view of the Electoral College and discuss its important function in America’s democracy.
Frykholm began portraying George Washington in 2012 and has since offered more than 180 portrayals of the iconic leader to more than 14,000 people. He frequently appears at public and private schools, service clubs, conferences and libraries, and has performed at George Washington Inn’s Northwest Colonial Festival in Sequim the past four years.
This program is supported by the Friends of Sequim Library.
For more information about this and other upcoming events, visit www.nols.org and select “Events” and “Sequim,” call 683-1161, or send an email to Discover@nols.org.