Another full slate of Sequim-centric events are set for the 128th Irrigation Festival’s Grand Finale Weekend, May 11-13.
The operetta “Anastasia” returns with its second and last set of shows Thursday-Saturday, and the Heritage Walking Tour strolls through downtown Sequim on Thursday.
The Logging Show, off Blake Avenue by Carrie Blake Community Park, runs both Friday and Saturday — including its Logger’s Ball from 7-10 p.m. on May 12. Fireworks will fill Sequim’s skies around 9:30 p.m.
After a brief hiatus, the Classic Cruise and Show comes back to Sequim’s streets May 13. Vehicles will travel east on Washington Street starting at 11 a.m. from the former JCPenney lot (651 Washington St.) to 250 Center Park Way. Vehicles will park at the lot until 4 p.m. for the car show. Judging for more than 20 awards, including five awards for motorcycles, takes place noon-4 p.m.
Register online at
The Grand Parade keeps its steady course from Dunlap Avenue to the JCPenney lot starting at noon on Saturday with about 100 entries anticipated to participate. As tradition, locals and visitors alike line Washington Street for the Car Cruise and parade to see floats, bands, dignitaries and more.
For an up-to-date schedule and maps, visit
Walking Tour
The Heritage Walking Tour, sponsored by Sequim Museum and Arts, takes participants on a short tour through downtown Sequim about its rich history at 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. depending on turnout. Tours begin at the museum, 544 N. Sequim Ave. Tour is free with donations supporting the museum.
“Anastasia the Musical” hosts four shows for its final weekend: 7 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, May 11-13, and 2 p.m. May 13, at the Sequim High School Auditorium, 533 N. Sequim Ave. Get tickets at
Logging Show
Started in 1988 by Dave Bekkevar and Kevin Kennedy, the Logging Show joined forces with the festival around 2005 to continue showcasing Pacific Northwest loggers’ skills and techniques, festival organizers say.
Events on Friday run noon-10 p.m., including the Logger’s Ball from 7-10 p.m., and from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, with the Logging Show starting at 2 p.m.
Some of the many events include: chainsaw races, mini-bike barrel races, tractor races, ax throwing, pole falling and spar pole climbing.
Organizers recognize Mark Becker as Honorary Logger this year, for serving as a long-time volunteer and supporter of the Logging Show.
The festival offers a shuttle from the Classic Cruise and Show to and from the Logging Show from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, May 13. Organizers note the shuttle is not handicap-accessible.
Sequim Passport
The “Passport to Sequim” program continues through May 14 where locals can pick up a passport and shop small by visiting at least 10 of the 40-plus participating merchants for stamps.
Each business, the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Co-Op Farm and Garden has a passport.
Entries must be turned in by May 15 to the Co-Op with 10 winners of local prizes drawn on May 16.
No Carnival
Because of staffing issues in recent years for carnival companies, the festival will not host the carnival again.
“Despite our best efforts, the carnival companies do not have the staffing available to be able to provide a carnival for the festival,” festival organizers wrote. “We will continue to work on this each year, and hope we can get a carnival to come back.”
The carnival was one the largest fundraisers for the all-volunteer festival.
For all things on the Sequim Irrigation Festival, visit
Grand Finale Weekend
Thursday, May 11
• Historic Walking Tour, 11 a.m. 1:30 p.m. (if needed),
Sequim Museum and Arts, 544 N. Sequim Ave.
• “Anastasia the Musical,” 7 p.m. Sequim High School, 544 N. Sequim Ave.
Friday, May 12
• Logging Show (Truck and Tractor Pull), noon-5 p.m., Blake Property
• Logging Show, 5-10 p.m., Blake Property
• “Anastasia the Musical,” 7 p.m. SHS
• Logging Show (Logger’s Ball) 7-10 p.m., Blake Property
• Fireworks, around 9:30 p.m., Blake Property
Saturday, May 13
• Classic Cruise, 8-10 a.m. lineup/register, 11 a.m. drive, 651 W. Washington St.
• Classic Show, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 250 Center Park Way
• Logging Show, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Blake Property
• Grand Parade, noon-2 p.m. along West Washington Street (staging at 120 N. Dunlap Ave.)
• “Anastasia the Musical,” 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. SHS
2023 Sequim Irrigation Festival Grand Parade Lineup
Sequim Sunrise Rotary Club
Clallam County Fire District 3 and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Sequim Middle/High School bands
Sequim Masonic Lodge 213
Nile Shriners
Grand Marshall Susan Baritelle
Honored Pioneer Rena Mantle Blank
Honored Pioneer Myrna Mantle
Honored Pioneer Janis Schmuck Thomsen
Honored Pioneer Rick Godfrey
Jr. Royalty, Greywolf Princess Sophia Lopez and Prince Greyson Rhodes
Jr. Royalty, Helen Haller Princess Lynn Westman and Prince Grayson Castell
2022 Past Royalty Queen Isabella Williams and Princess Katherine Gould
2022 Past Royalty Princess Lauren Willis and Princess Ellie Turner
Button Designer Hope Walkowski
Kids Parade Winner Avani Welch
Sequim City Mayor Tom Ferrell
Sequim Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year
Sequim Irrigation Festival
Citizen of the Year David Blakeslee
Sound Community Bank, Grand Parade Sponsor
The Chimacum High School Cowboy Marching Band
Sequim Logging Show Honorary Logger Mark Becker
Antique Offroad Log Truck
Bekkevar Logging and Trucking
KSQM 91.5 FM Radio
The Lodge at Sherwood Village
Olympic View Band & Drill Team
Clallam County PUD
Capital Lakefair
Soroptimist International of Sequim
WAG Welfare for Animals Guild
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula
Sequim High School Operetta Club Presents “Anastasia”
Sequim Prairie Grange #1108
Wild Wild Rhody
Straight Arrow Hauling
Sequim Little League
Dungeness Valley Health & Wellness Clinic
Belly Goat Wheelers
Bowers Blue Mountain Belgians
Back Country Horsemen
Sinclair Place Senior Living
Sequim Acrobatics
The Daffodil Festival
Olympic Disposal
ROD UTV Trail Riders/Tours
Dungeness Courte Memory Care
North Olympic Library System
Mason County Forest Festival
Glass Odyssey Corvette Club
Olympia School District Mega-Marching Band
Sequim High School Robotics Team
Sequim Wheelers
Sequim’s Rockin’ Realtor
Old Mill Cafe
Ruddell Auto
Borderline Dance Team
Women on Wheels (WoW)
Amphibious Landing Vehicle- 1955 Replica
American Legion, Jack Grennan, Post 62
First Fed Bank
Girl Scouts of Sequim
White Crane Martial Arts
Sequim High School FFA
Spoke Folk Cycling Club of Sequim
McCleary Bear Festival
Copy Cat Graphics & Signs
Faith Baptist Sequim
Pet Emergency Group
VFW Post 4760, Rick Leenstra
Boyd family 1935 John Deere tractor
Little Car Corner
Sequim Sunshine Festival
Alaska Pacific Trucking Inc
Washburn Services Stump Grinding
2023 Clallam County Fair Royalty
Miss Poulsbo 2023 Eleeyse Greenlaw, Miss Kitsap 2023 Kelsey Gotcher,
and Miss Silverdale 2023 Isabella Sio.
OMC Foundation Great Olympic Peninsula Duck Derby
Olympic Theatre Arts
Belly Goat Wheelers
Miss West Sound Scholarship Organization
Fathoms of Fun
Lewis Trucking
Hermann Brothers Logging & Construction, Inc.
Hoquiam Loggers Playday
IDGAF, Inc. construction
Enumclaw High School Band
Sequim Valley Funeral Chapel
Box 3:
Classic Car Cruise and Show awards categories
• Best Street Rod Car/Pickup
• Best Import Car/Pickup
• Best Unfinished Car/Pickup
• Best 1940-1970 Pickup
• Best 1970-Present Pickup
• Best 1900-1949
• Best 1950 – 1959
• Best 1960 – 1969
• Best 1970 – 1979
• Best 1980 – 1989
• Best 1990 – 1999
• Best 2000 – Present
• Best Rat Rod
• Best Muscle Car
• Best Pony Car
• Best Corvette
• Best MOPAR
• Best Wagon
• Best Volkswagen
• Best Custom
• Best Convertible
• Sports car
Motorcycle awards
• Stock
• Custom
• Vintage
• Fixer Upper