Leadership program opens for applications

New program develops network of leaders

The PEAK Leadership Program is accepting referrals and applications from Clallam and Jefferson county residents who want to improve community leadership in the counties.

The new program, sponsored by Peninsula College and Washington State University Team Jefferson Economic Development, focuses on developing a network of leaders who understand the complexities of the peninsula’s local and regional communities, want to increase their personal and professional development and gain a deeper appreciation of the skills and dynamics of collaborative leadership.

Participants will fulfill a small_group project on a significant challenge facing communities.

The PEAK Leadership Program is offered annually to 16 representatives of the public, private, nonprofit or community service interests throughout the two_county region.

The first class convenes in late September and runs for 10 months, until June 2009, at locations throughout the North Olympic Peninsula. Classes include both one_day and multiple_day instruction. In December, the class travels to Seattle for a rural_urban interface and in March, an extended session to address public policy and state government is planned in Olympia.

Valued at more than $3,200, the program is offered at $575 to make it more feasible for participants and their employers. The cost does not include participants’ time off work, travel or incidentals. Corporate, session day, topical and general participant sponsorships and in-kind contributors of meeting space, transportation, expertise, talent, material and refreshments are being sought.

For more information, contact PEAK Leadership project coordinator Danille Turissini at danillet@pcadmin.ctc.edu or 360-301_4134. Candidate referral and application forms are available at http://peakleadership.ctc.edu. The deadline for submitting applications is Aug. 15.