Library offers downloadable audio books

The North Olympic Library System is offering a new, free service – audio book downloads from the Internet.

The service, available 24 hours a day, allows patrons to download a book to a computer for no charge and either transfer the information to a compact disc, an audio file or MP3 player.

Those interested need a library card and a computer with an Internet connection. The first step is downloading free software to the computer, which allows for the file to transfer from the library’s system.

The Anytime Library is a collaborative effort of seven libraries in Northwest Washington that pooled their resources to offer the service.

Patrons can browse titles and download them immediately, up to three at a time. At the end of a 14-day loan period, the audio book file will automatically expire from the computer so there are no overdue fines with downloadable audio books.

To get a library card, visit any branch of the North Olympic Library System. The Sequim branch is located at 630 N. Sequim Ave. and the Port Angeles branch is located at 2210 Peabody St..

For more information about the library, visit or call 417-8504 or to learn more about the Virtual Library, click on the link listed at the library system’s site.