Milestone: AAUW selects scholarship winners

At a recent luncheon the Clallam branch of the American Association of University Women honored its two 2015 scholarship winners along with their parents.

At a recent luncheon the Clallam branch of the American Association of University Women honored its two 2015 scholarship winners along with their parents.

Chosen were Donika Huls of Sequim High School and McKenna Thompson of Port Angeles High School.

Huls is the daughter of Jack and Caryn Huls of Sequim. She was chosen for her academic achievements and volunteer efforts throughout her high school career. Huls has a specific interest in American Sign Language and has served as a volunteer interpreter at Sequim High School. She plans to major in graphic design and will attend Peninsula College in the fall, with plans to continue her education at Western Washington University.

Thompson is the daughter of Gary and Debbie Thompson of Port Angeles. She was chosen based on her academic achievements and community involvement. Thompson plans to attend Peninsula College in the fall and will transfer for further studies to Western Washington University. She is interested in marine science.