The Sequim High School Class of 1964 had its 50th class reunion Sept. 13 at the Old Mill Cafe. Restaurant owner Larry Culp graduated with the 1964 class.
Earlier in the day, reunion attendees took a tour of their old high school hosted by district assistant superintendent Gary Neal and Director of Communications Patsene Dashiell.
Back row, from left, are Dennis Mack, Mark Gustafson, Ray Waddell, Don Swanson, Robert Wagner, Jeanie (Culp) Smith, Mike Schade, Nancy (Belden) Allen, Peggy (Lancaster) Sharp, Robin (Davis) Rowland, Sharon (Petersen) Alton, Larry Culp, Nancy (Severn) Shepherd, teacher Glen Greathouse, Cliff Echternkamp, Larry Livingston, Mark Smith, Gary Gizinski and Veryl Livengood. Front row, from left, are Waicliff Mayberry, Jim Wilber, Tom Boyd, Linda (Herrett) Phemister, Bonnie (Johnson) Cassidy, Sharon (Coon) Bellmore, Loxie (Kinnaman) Gradillas, Janet (Scott) Robinson, teacher Bill Harriman, teacher Ron Newton, Ann (Ritchie) Maki, Steve Callis and Ken Demo.