Sequim Gazette staff
For their fine efforts in the finer arts, students at Olympic Christian School are getting kudos.
Youths in grades K-8 participated in the school’s annual Art Festival in May.
Entries for each grade level were ranked by judges and separately into People Choice Awards by students and public who visited the show.
Judges’ awards were given to the following students:
Kindergarten — 1. Kalea Keate, “Color Shine,” mixed media; 2. Selah Purviance, “Sunshine,” mixed media; 3. Mya Callis, “Beeeutiful,” mixed media
First grade — 1. Arwen Jones, “Baker-Caker,” colored pencil; 2. Aiya Allen, “Queen Wolf,” mixed media; 3. Ethan Swenson, “Benny the Fox,” mixed media
Second grade — 1. Jacob Shamp, “The Funny Snowman,” acrylic paint; 2. Elijah Myers, “Pumpkin Patch,” mixed media; 3. Sterling Shamp, “The Crucifixion,” mixed media
Third grade — 1. Timothy VanProyen, “In the Spring,” 3D; 2. Heidi Leitz, “Enjoying God’s World,” mixed media; 3. Crystal Rieckhoff, “Playing in the Sun,” mixed media
Fourth grade — 1. Mason Lund, “Ohio Red Carnation,” 3D quilling; 2. Amara Brown, “Colorful Bubbles,” pastels; 3. Trinity Jones, “Flower Scene,” 3D quilling
Fifth grade — 1. Elijah Flodstrom, “Bubbles,” pastels; 2. Lexi King, “Bubble Pop,” pastels; 3. Brett Mote, “Big Game,” 3D paper sculpture
Sixth grade — 1. Bergen Shamp, “Don’t Get Stung by Sin,” colored pencil; 2. Kinnley Brady, “Apple Still Life,” colored pencil; 3. Emily Landers, “Sunrise Over the Sea,” acrylic Impressionist painting
Seventh grade — 1. Aleea VanProyen, “God’s Glory Blooms,” watercolor painting; 2. Jayda Noel, “Joy in the Journey,” mixed media; 3. Keri Tucker, “Lovely Apple and Peach,” acrylic still life painting
Eighth grade — 1. Kia Noel, “He Leads Me Beside Still Waters,” acrylic Impressionist painting; 2. Ava Keehn, “Le Jardin,” graphite drawing; 3. Keizer Shamp, “Mercury’s Path,” acrylic Realism painting
People Choice Awards
K-3 Drawing: 1.(tie) Amy Adolphson (“Kind Bear”) and Arwen Jones (“Baker-Caker”)
K-3 Painting: Jacob Shamp (“The Funny Snowman”)
K-3 Mixed Media: Tillie Utz (“Royal Swan”)
K-3 3D: Timothy VanProyen (“In the Spring”)
K-3 Pastels: Matthew Miller (“Sneaky Tiger”)
4-8 Drawing: Ava Keehn (“Le Jardin”)
4-8 Painting: Keizer Shamp (“Mercury’s Path”)
4-8 Mixed Media: Chloe VanProyen (“Fruit of the Father”)
4-8 3D: Mason Lund (“Ohio Red Carnation”)
4-8 Pastels: Elijah Flodstrom (“Bubbles”).