Young adults ages 12-18 interested in learning more about behind-the-scenes work at the library are invited to apply for one of three distinct volunteer programs at the Port Angeles Main Library, 2210 S. Peabody St.
Teen volunteers can earn service credit, meet new people and learn more about the library.
Openings are currently available for Art Program volunteers, story time volunteers, and Teen Tech volunteers.
Teen Tech Volunteers staff a “Gadget Lab” table at the Port Angeles Library where they provide one-on-one assistance with electronic devices and resources. Art Program volunteers help out with the third Saturday Kids Create Art Program, assisting with program set-up, presentation and clean-up. Story time volunteers offer a story time corner and help with story time preparation.
Volunteers for any of the Youth Volunteer Corp programs must commit to at least six hours during the school year and must attend an orientation. Applications are at and can be returned to the Youth Services desk.
Orientations for the Teen Tech program are from 3:30-5 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, and Wednesday, Jan. 16, and include information about how to access the library’s e-resources, improve search skills and work with the public.
Orientations for the story time corner and art program are offered on an as-needed basis.
For more information about other Youth Services events, contact the library at 417-8500 ext. 7733, visit or e-mail