Peninsula College offers financial planning seminar

Peninsula College offers a free financial planning seminar on April 13 for anyone who wants to start or update a personal budget plan.

Peninsula College offers a free financial planning seminar on April 13 for anyone who wants to start or update a personal budget plan.

The half-day program, which begins at noon, is sponsored by Peninsula College and the Northwest Education Loan Association.

All seminar sessions will be held in the Pirate Union Building on the college campus, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.

Northwest Education Loan Association representative Chris Conway, senior director of operations, presents the first session, "Financial Roadmap," at noon and 4:30 p.m.

Conway has seen what can happen to student loan borrowers who are not as financially literate as they could have been and she’s working to educate future borrowers so they can create a brighter financial future.

Her emphasis will be on helping borrowers to learn about banking, basic budgeting, credit and credit reporting, debt, fraud and scams, identity theft, investing and saving.

Information and help on how to "Create Your Own Personal Budget" will be offered at 2 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m.

Members of the Peninsula College Business Club will assist attendees.

A video titled "Debt Slapped" will be shown at 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. The video provides a guide to students for managing and surviving student loans and credit debt. It was produced by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions. Light refreshments will be served at 3:30 pm.

Information tables will be set up in the college cafeteria to provide assistance to attendees who want to know more about available education and training programs, how to sign up for classes, how to apply for FAFSA and scholarships, resources that can tapped in the job search process and what one needs to know to be a first-time home buyer.

Participants also have the opportunity to take part in a door prize drawing for a free iPod Nano donated by the Peninsula College Foundation.

Peninsula College, Northwest Education Loan Association, the Washington Department of Financial Institutions, WorkSource, the Peninsula College Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda and the Pirate Ambassador Program sponsor the seminar.

Call 417-6378.